Thursday, January 12, 2012

"You are there with us living the moment... Let's create the magic!"

 My dear family HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Can you believe how lucky we are to take these steps all together as we move from one year to another? Really I see it as a walk we all are taking together on this journey we call life. Day after day I decide to look ahead envisioning where I desire to go in my life, my goals, the things I want to see change, evolve, disappear, grow... Keeping my eyes up allows me to dream and to have faith. Sometimes, especially when we are in a transition time, we look back at what we did, what we were, what impact it has had on us today. That allows us to measure our actions and decisions. And then, there's the present, now, how I walk now, my actions today, my thoughts, my feelings, what I do with my talents, my time, and my life. My friends, I want to thank you, because if it wasn't for being able to look around and see you, walking all around me, I would be the most unhappy, selfish and lost person on this life journey.

We often say "live the moment" and I know that for some of us it might sound so good but doesn't really mean anything in our every day life. The new year celebration was happening all around the world, fireworks, parades, feasts... but for so many of us just couldn't smile or laugh or have fun, dark feelings creeping inside, loneliness and hopelessness taking over the whole show... I know... I've been rejected by my own blood family. I felt like an orphan for so many years. I had little hope of being loved and feeling the security of a home. If my own left me, how can anyone love me, how could I deserve love... I have made a long journey since then! Years and years of decisions, many good ones, so many bad ones, but since the day I made that one decision to try to belong, to at least try to believe in the love of my friends, to try little by little to open up and to love in return, to try something different rather than putting up those same old self-defense walls in front of each little scary thing, since that day I can say I am alive.

During these past weeks, at the Your Favorite Enemies HQ, we took some time to really spend time together, not working on our zillion projects, just being friends... We went shopping, we watched movies, we cooked together, we did have so much fun and laughed until our abs were burning. Some of us created amazing events for the only purpose of living something joyful, encouraging and positive all together. We CREATED these occasions and it was up to each of us to LIVE that moment fully, to laugh without filter, to cry if we felt like it, to be affectionate with anyone we wanted to bless, to encourage one another, to share a joke or a story or just to listen and learn about one another with the conscious purpose to take part in the family, to be an important part of this family.

You saw one of the event we created just for fun: the ARM WRESTLING GALA!lol What a blast! lol That day, I believe it was Alex who sent all of us an email saying "Tonight you're an arm wrestler. Choose a song, choose a costume and be ready for the Gala at 10PM". We were all so excited!lol Yes it is weird, we're all adults and we do play like kids! I love it. It was magic... Just like the "Natto Party" we had also out of the blue... unexpected... I mean they had to take us by surprise to expect us to eat that very traditional super stinky, sticky, ugly, not so tasty fermented bean guck that is suppose to be good for your skin and brain but taste like... humm... I'll stay polite:) We pretty much all HATED it but we all ate it just because it was a family fun time and a challenge to be all together (in good times like in bad times I guess!Lol) All together... no competition...just seeding love in one another. Cultivating joy. I don't think it's natural for any of us, but we are taking that decision all together "WE WANT TO BE ALIVE, TO BE HAPPY, TO NEVER AGAIN FEEL LIKE ORPHANS".

Then you might say "Good for you but why put it on the internet? You can sell your music, but why do videos of your crazy games, why do live chats, blogs, etc?" The reason is simple and beautiful, we want to live that life journey with you, we want you to take part in it, to also laugh at what makes us laugh, that you also feel loved and cared for, that you can see how dreams are possible and get from us some courage just as we get courage from your stories, your sharing... That's why the Bla Bla Bla is so brilliant! We are LIVE together, we can exchange, you can take part in a moment with us!!! I always make sure I'm well prepared for the Bla Bla Bla, not only because I should look good and not make stupid mistakes... I get prepared because it's my rendez-vous with you:) I prepare my heart to be loving and caring... my soul to be open and sensitive for you. Each Bla Bla Bla is different, and this year more than ever we want to surprise you and spoil you! And again this year you can take part in this family as you are an important part of it... so BE there and laugh, and cry, and say jokes and listen... you are THERE with us and you will LIVE the moment and CREATE with us the magic.

Miss Isabel
p.s. can you guess if I won my arm wrestling fight?;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi dearest Isa and YFE!

    You know my heart is always uplifted and filled with joy when you as a group at YFE HQ take time out for each other!! As an independent and continually evolving community/business with growing influence, your internal leaders stand in an incredible position of freedom, and yet as you know so well, the influence you wield places a burden upon you too - people impacted in a myriad of ways by all you say and do and build. Speaking from my own experience and background, I know that continually "doing something" that can be measured and acknowledged soothes a strange desperation that many of us, me included, carry inside - it takes conscious decisions, one after another, and often tremendous effort, to pull out of this whirlpool of activity and into the maelstrom of truly living in relationship with those closest to us. The clamber of uncompleted "to-do" lists and things we feel are hanging over our heads can strangle the joy of life. But more intimidating than momentarily losing that feeling of continual accomplishment is the challenge of connecting with those around us (and Something beyond us) on a level deep beneath the surface of work/living activity. I am learning more and more that true relationships are by far the hardest challenges we face in this life because each one of us is an individual imbued with our own will and hopes and desires.. We can never be counted upon to consistently act in exactly the way another might expect or wish. We are each eternal indomitable spirits by nature - free. The gift that we receive as we come to realize this, is that this truth - this equal dignity and worth of every human being, regardless of their past or current circumstances or vulnerability - redefines every aspect of human interaction and relationship as it is birthed and nourished within us. Seeing the light within others as well as the light within ourselves changes our view and expectations in ways that bring our interactions more and more in line with that sense we all have inside us - the sense of what is beautiful and true and "good". The more we see ourselves and others with these eyes, the more our priorities seem to realign themselves, with relationship at the top, and everything else falling into place beneath it - a holy balance and unity among us that brings the greatest wonders into our world. You have worked so hard to gain the independence to create your art and sustain yourselves in a way that births life in all those you touch - you have been swimming against the current of "living death" for a very long time, and the victories that have blossomed from the fruit of your labors are magic miracles indeed. The greatest battles we must fight really are the ones we fight within - and what happens inside us changes have reminded me of that so many times! Walking the mountains and valleys of the relationships that now bless my life because you have come into it have changed me in ways beyond my comprehension. I know I have MANY more "miles" in the journey ahead and I am blessed beyond measure that our paths are intertwined as we continue this journey into a new year!

    Much love and oceans of prayers always!!! mom e
