Thursday, November 24, 2011

Miss Isabel's Diary "This is your first stop..."

Download the performance of “The Mightiest Of Guns” for free

Miss Isabel's Diary 
"This is your first stop... but be ready for something amazing: CHAOS AND COMMUNION"

Hi dear ones!

I always feel very lucky to know you just decided to read my humble words... I've been blogging for 4 years already and I have the assurance that I wouldn't be the woman I am if I hadn't poured my heart, mind and soul out this way... and if you guys hadn't been on the other side of these lines with your own inspiring comments sending back my way love, encouragement and invitations to think further. Over the years, I was also amazed by the expressive writing talent of Jeff and Alex who shared so much through their blogs as well. They have such a special loving way to write... both very different and reading them is like discovering a treasure and the more we sip in their words, the more we not only understand their meaning but also what place they can take in our life.

Now... I ask of you to do two things:)

First, go discover the new "Chaos & Communion" blog section on the Your Favorite Enemies website. Bookmark this page and anytime you feel like having a very unique insight on how a rock band is living through the musical and spiritual journey drop by "Chaos & Communion"!

Second, read Alex's post on the new section, sip in his words and leave for him, for the whole band and for everyone who might pass by, your own words... I believe your simple words sent back our way will have a huge impact on us and on so many people... Can you do that? I believe you can:)

I'll go read you on the amazing "Chaos & Communion":) I'm proud of you guys.

Miss Isabel

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Redemption... by crowd surfing???

Hi !!!!!!!!!!

The set of the Bla Bla Bla "The Live Show" was the theatre of such an amazing event last Sunday. How was it so different than all the previous Bla Bla Bla?... In theory it wasn't so different... I mean I was sitting at the same place on the white couch as usual, we didn't really sleep as usual, there were many exciting things to talk about as usual and you were faithfully with usual:) But I can definitely say that it was a unique moment that felt like nothing experienced ever before. How is that possible? Is it that I am consciously looking to live something new every day that I see it all this way? Is it that I'm growing and seeing things from another perspective? Is it that we are talking over and over again about living the moment and slowly but surely I understand what it can mean for me!?! I believe it's a combination of it all!

Right after we performed the song "The Mightiest Of Guns" (AA Bondy), Alex talked about something so interesting... He talked about redemption. The definition of redemption is to be forgiven and set free of the past sins, a deliverance from our present and past chains... The way Alex talked about it was so simple saying how redemption has nothing to do with religion. Redemption is available to everyone as it is a condition of the heart... it's to have the deep desire to turn away from what keeps us turning in a circle to actively and aggressively search for real life... the life that hasn't been pre-written for you by your parents, your culture, or even written by yourself many years ago... the life that we rarely see but can always recognize when we witness it in someone else... the life that isn't bought with silver and gold but the life that is seeded with hope and love. For some of us, we just don't believe in such a life. For some of us, the chains seem simply too heavy to even think about being free. For some of us the lies in our heads are so familiar that they sound just like truth...

Redemption... by crowd surfing???lol 
watch this video... 
I think you will understand even more what Alex is talking about just like it did for me!

What strikes me the most in this video is the thought that it's a personal decision to let go and jump even when we feel broken and fragile. I can see crowd surfing as an example of when you are supported and carried by people, you can feel such a connection, a deep sense of trust growing and, from that trust and surrender, a lot of things can be healed from the past. When was the last time we pushed away legitimate excuses to take risks, to let other people that are filled with life carry us? When was the last time we desired a real connection with one another? When was the last time we realized and believed our past wounds could be healed?

Yes we will repeat it over and over, and for as long as you need us to, just how important and marvelous it is to "live the moment". Yes we will use every tool possible, live chats, concerts, blogs, the fan club "SFCC", meet & greets, the new YFE website, messages on FB or Twitter, little personal notes on your orders from the YFE store, every and any occasion to connect with you. Why? Because the redemption we can taste is so delicious... why not invite you for a bite and share your delightful life as well?;) We need to surf on your freedom just as much as you can be elevated by ours... That makes my own freedom and redemption even more important as it doesn't only involve me but it does have an impact on you...and you are important to me.

I have never crowd surfed before. Hearing Alex makes me want to try!!!lol But there's one thing I know, you and I can experience redemption from our past, being healed by jumping to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, we can forget about our aches and pains to live the moment, each moment as a new beginning, each occasion as another proof that we were made to be free...

-Miss Isabel

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Miss Isabel's diary "So... EXCITING!!! So... ALIVE!!! So... US!!!"

My dear family,

What a great week!!! The First DVD of Your Favorite Enemies is born!!! The past few weeks I saw the whole team lacking sleep as we were preparing the launch with all the care and detail you know we put into each treasure we want to share with you. There was so much to do...because there is so much we WANT to do for you! I mean... did you see the Welcoming page of the YFE Store? I mean... we don't have one store... we have 4!!lol And it wouldn't surprise me if one day we have as many stores as the numbers of languages you guys speak... because our heart is to include as many people as possible and we know how the language can be a barrier. Can you see how much impact each person who does the translation has, all for the love of you? Long hours of work so we can touch so many people who otherwise would not have understood the uplifting and encouraging messages.

The night of the launch we still had a lot to do, but the main thing we did and enjoyed was to touch with our own hands what was already being folded and placed in mailing envelopes, and the first packages to be sent. We were all around the kitchen table writing notes to each and every person who supports us by getting the DVD, laughing and being just happy. I felt I was so lucky and so proud each time I was either folding a tote bag, writing an address on an envelope, admiring the shirt or the design of the DVD itself...not only because I could remember the tour in China and its great impact on me personally and on the band, but mainly because this whole “The Uplifting Sound Of An epiphanic awakening… The Enlightenment Of Letting Go” project is a HUGE family accomplishment, a "Do It Yourself" proof that we can achieve anything we want, any seed of dream can turn into a real living tree!

I was telling my band mates "I'm so excited to do any little thing in that process of sending our friends all over the world these bags and shirts and DVD... I feel like I prepare Christmas gifts for my family that I love... picturing already in my mind the smiles and the happiness everyone will have when they will receive it..."

Did you see the incredible special page about the project? The videos on there are parts of the DVD content, videos that can allow you and I to think more about our own personal dreams, our own life and how we can learn more and live something different by taking chances. What we share with you is our heart and we are just soooo blessed when you also share with us your heart, your dreams, your love and friendship. Make sure you drop by that page and add a part of your heart there ok?:)

“The Uplifting Sound Of An Epiphanic Awakening… The Enlightenment Of Letting Go” is the empowering representation of the nature of the “unexpected”, a moment by which we can personally incarnate the defining essence of a dream and collectively become the transformations envisioned by our faith in true everlasting love."

I'll be waiting for you:)

-Miss Isabel


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Miss Isabel's Diary "What are the voices inside your head?"

Hi sweet folks!

Is it only me or is time just flying? As again I find myself in front of my computer screen wondering what I have in me that could be bright, inspiring, simply loving or just good enough to bring us closer to each other... Too often we can feel life is like a carousel; it's beautiful, music is sweet, the colors are vivid and appealing but soon we realize that the fake horse doesn't take us anywhere other than this everlasting same circular scenery, we kinda feel it's time to step off, stop the circus and walk with our own legs towards a different horizon.

These past days I've been feeling really really good, consciously feeding my heart and mind with the truth of what I really am and what I'm meant to live. Every day I am challenged to do either what I know is right for me or just say "Whatever... I'll do what I feel like doing and don't care about the consequences". When I chose that second option of "whatever, I don't care" it always brings me away from what I really desire to be and live, but what for? to satisfy a very short term pleasure?... For the opposite, when I do what I believe deep inside is right, I can appreciate so much more my own freedom of choice and enjoy the long term and empowering sensation of walking the right path.

I want to share with you something that helped me make those right choices! Every day I have a talk with myself, many times a day in I know it sounds weird, but to actually THINK is something I'm still learning to do! What am I telling myself?lol well... I tell myself "I am a beautiful person, so that is why today I am choosing to eat the proper food to keep being this way", "I am a woman of conviction, that is why I will stand by my word and do what I said" "I am a loving friend, that is why today I will go out of my way to help others". The truth is that I know perfectly well I can and want to improve in each of these areas. I want to continuously work on my body, my mind, my heart, my qualities, my abilities, BUT when I talk to myself like this, I am in fact saying out loud what I believe I'm meant to be even if I'm not perfectly "IT" right now.

Sometimes I feel stressed, I feel I don't have what it takes to wear "Miss Isabel's shoes", I have thoughts in my head telling me all kinds of negative stuff that only lead me to isolate myself, hide, put on a fake face and lay low to make sure no one would notice me... Do I have to cope and keep these thoughts? NO! I have learnt and still practice to push away the thoughts and fight back!!! Music is so true, so precious that I can't live in it and be hand in hand with lies... It's one excellent place where I have to let go, be totally defenseless and expose my true heart. Not only because it's music and it touches me deep inside, but also because I see and hear my brothers, my band mates, who are themselves dedicated to be true and to let go of their own boundaries and limits!

Being confronted in what we are by being open to what others are living and what they would say... it's a scary thing! But once we realize how it can make us grow... we see how much of a treasure it is... and how much we miss by running away from it... Someone said "iron sharpens iron". Do we want to be sharp? or only "look" sharp? and if we want to BE sharp, to shine, to be relevant, impacting people around us... are we willing to be sharpened?;) Are we avoiding confrontation with every possible tactic from agreeing with everyone or by staying away from everyone and laying low? Or... are we true to ourselves keeping a humble heart to hear and think about what others have to say to help us grow and become even better.

It is NOT easy, I personally struggled for a long time just to WANT to hear what others have to say about me in a positive way, but believe me... it IS POSSIBLE because I am experiencing it right now and I am so amazed at how I can grow, become a better person, see new horizons, touch amazing things, feel much better about myself, believe even more in love and's not a carousel...turning round and's LIFE!

What are the voices inside your head?

You can count on us to always be behind you and tell you how we believe in you and think you are amazing... and you can count on us also to always be there to remind you and encourage you that there IS MORE for you!!!

Miss Isabel