Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Cause I'm one of the millions... "

Alex reveals even more after the live chat!

Hi dear friends!

I hope you're doing well and I’m glad that you're doing this little "pit stop" to fill yourself up with some food for thought; a fresh perspective and an occasion to feed hope and passion in your life. This weekend we had the chance to participate in a live chat with a very special topic: the "I Just Want You To Know" lyrics. Alex was ready to answer all questions about it and most of all he brilliantly opened up about, what in his life, he wanted us to know... his heart, his struggles, his desire to live free from his past boundaries and illusions. I left a couple days pass and I asked him a couple questions to get even deeper in what he lived; to see how that sharing was so important to him.

Read carefully and think. Think how you can relate to his experience and how you deal or want to deal your things the same or differently and why not share about it?

I believe amazing things can grow if we let true words coming from a loving heart to be seeded into our soul...Alex asked me to share these seeds with you... it's up to us to let them penetrate our soul and mind.

-Miss Isabel

Hi Alex!

I have a couple questions for you concerning the live chat we had all together a couple days ago.

You often do videos, Q&A, blogs and facebook stories revealing parts of who you are; sharing what's in your head and in your heart. But it's the first time you were doing a very personal LIVE interview about something even more personal: your lyrics.

Why at this point do you want to open up in such way, so open and exposed?

I think, I've been hiding for a long time... for many reasons...good or bad. I still have my own demons and my own doubts; the emotional winter has been quite long for me. So long, that at one point, I felt more secure being secluded and isolated than actually seeking a bit of spark to set me free from my own illusions and make-belief. My recurrent physical illness and mental degradation was only feeding that sense of alienation I was feeling towards the gravitation of my spirit accepting the abandonment of my will to care about life any longer.

I was turning a lie I've heard so many times being professed over my head into a self-desconstructive truth...I guess whatever had to fit…fits. I wasn't a victim; I was simply coping out from a world I built myself into... kind of illusive and delusional, but I decided it was time to let go. Being open and exposed isn't easy for me and never will. But after being dead for so long... I decided it was time for me to fully embrace the new season that I was truly in and to receive the love gently sent my way by so many amazing people. The raging winter of my fears was overcome by love in many ways and I think that for me, sharing my lyrics was a wonderful occasions to feel the breeze of that new blooming season.

We were all in the room when you were about to start the live interview and were surprisingly comfortable, calm and anticipating with excitement what was about to take place.

Can you explain what journey you had to walk or what obstacles you had to overcome to get there?

Nothing, but what has already been settled in my personal life…like I wrote recently to a very special friend of mine who was wondering what was the nature of what seemed to be a permanent state of grief residing in my eyes... "I'm not misunderstood, I'm ecstatically sad at time" a lie that had been told too many times becomes a truth for many and I didn't want to become that lie or some rock n roll cliché.

I was comfortable; because I knew it wasn't about was about creating life through words that weren't simply mine anymore. I was one of millions and it was exciting... to let the words be the catharsis of what needed to be freed from. And in many ways, I've been freed from many things through the whole process...from writing the music, to the lyrics, the performance and all the interviews that came with it. Words truly have the power to heal when they are sketched with compassionate colours and lay over a canvas of communion...that's what I felt...

Would that link with what you said during the chat: "I just Want You To Know" helped me heal unsettled wounds in my life"? Was the creation of this specific song a major turning point?

I believe that waking up every single day with my hands open is a daily major turning point...I have rarely been able to let go. I grew up in the mist of constant surrounding of violence and I turned that violence towards myself for the most part of my life...writing from a personal point of view isn't easy when you want to fully let go and it has never been easy for me to write in that regard. That song is part autobiographic of those wounds and part reflection of other people's pain, but it doesn't have the same tone as the previous songs I've written...truth could be pretty messy, but the way you deal with that mess could be very positive…"I Just Want You To Know" is very positive…not a happy go lucky type...that's for sure, but real in every way and knowing that "I Just Want You To Know" is clearly one of the fruits that bloomed out my decision to embrace life, makes it a very important one indeed...

You said that “I just Want You To Know” lyrics were created from a very personal place where dreams seemed so far away...How important is it for the song to relate to your personal story now that the world can sing it?

Cause I'm one of the millions...

What is the first thing you thought when:

1. You woke up the morning of the chat?

That I was very fortunate to be able to share with the people I love; knowing how many people don't, at the very least, have a right to whisper. I felt humbled towards that and really grateful…love, when taken for granted, becomes the rape of somebody else's innocence...

2. You were about to start the chat?

As I was observing the incredible dedication of the team members working with so much dedication to make sure everything was perfect...I simply thanked God for having such a fabulous family and simply lived the moment...

3. You saw so many people participating?

I didn't pay attention to such details in particular...neither do I care about numbers in might be cool when you need to feed your ego out of those vain details, but for me, being able to share with people I love was enough of a moment to open myself without any fears or was real.

4. Big Byrd said "CUT" at the end of the chat?

I was peaceful...

5. When you finally went to bed and at what time?

I don't actually remember the time I went to's always too late anyway, but I do remember thinking, that for every single person being treated like noise, I know that somebody will join and together they will make sounds out of any rejection they ever felt before, because we really are more than noise. I imagined millions of people in the streets creating such a powerful sound, that barriers of oppression, indifference, apathy and abandonment will crumble and that even those rocks will scream their joy of being free... isn't that what is going on in the world now?

What in this first experience makes you want to do it again with other lyrics?

I don't know, I have never really been into trying to recreate a moment…Especially one that has been so pure. We'll see if I have something to add regarding other lyrics and if people might be interested in sharing and exposing themselves again. As I said, a moment like that isn't something you take for granted. It’s not mine, that's why I felt so privileged to do so, because it wasn't about me... but about creating life!

You want to share anything about these quotes of yours?

1. "We're so much more than noise"...means for Alex that you might be only noise for some people BUT...
2. Your favorite line of the new song "Faith is pretty much like's hard to let it go all at once"
3. "perfect balance between emotional breakdown and hopeful colors"

I think it should be for the people reading your diary to define or redefine those quotes, because those lyrics are ours now and I'll be blessed to witness the sparks of life that will overflow out of it...the beauty of words remain their ability to empower those willing to be...

Thursday, February 17, 2011


My incursion into the fashion world...

Since my last diary, I've lived some unexpected experiences that revealed so much about me, about what I want and about where I want to go from now on.

It was the middle of another usual day, working on my own tasks in the family that I got an invitation from an artist, Mitsou, who's been a pillar of the cultural scene in Quebec for many years, to go to a fashion show. It came out of nowhere! I was surprised and excited, because for a couple months, Alex has been really encouraging me to explore and develop my creativity and interest for fashion, clothing and accessories. It's almost as if this was happening like a big thumb up meaning "come on! It’s time to jump!” It was so sudden and unexpected that I didn't have the time to ask myself the question if I was ready or not, if I was capable or not, if and if not. The facts were: I was there; the invitation was there and my friends believed in me. Just to think about designing stuff creates a spark in me and I was willing to live an 1+1+1+1+1= GO!

It was kind of weird to be in a public event without my brothers around me…. I’m pretty sure it was better for most of them (and for the world in general) NOT to be in that "fashionista world"! Except maybe for Alex; a guy that owns the most pairs of shoes, more than anyone that I've ever met. He has a real talent to find in a huge clothing store what would perfectly fit women according to their own personality and potential. Yet, at least I had YB with me as a bearded figure (lol)!

What I find always funny, so incredible and comforting is that we're so close as a family in this band, that we bring home everywhere we go... making it so we never totally feel like strangers. When you're at home you can be yourself, right? Well, when I was in this glamour extravagant place, surrounded by designers, TV stars and models; witnessing a show that I couldn't understand technically, but only feel the vibe and then like the clothes or not... I strangely felt so at ease and able to be myself.

I think that all I went through in the past years is allowing me today to be myself in any occasion and place. All the decisions that I made to purposely feed the positive in my life, all the opportunities I seized to open my hands to a reality that doesn't obey to the society's boxed view, all the learning I did through heartaches and mistakes are now my anchors as what I know are my weaknesses, but also my best way to seek guidance. It’s a partnership that is making me so much stronger, safer and able to enjoy the unknown with confidence and joy.

As I was in the middle of this new world, I didn't compare myself with the beautiful models, I didn't look down or up on anyone, I didn't try to convince myself of anything, I was just me...and me was enough, because deep inside I was trusting, confident and I was also backed up by my family. I was able to enjoy my night and connect with people on an equal level and to see things as they were, instead of filtering them with insecurity.

Moments like these are very important to me as references, as a point where I can feel the moment, look back and understand how my past allowed me to be here today and, also, look ahead and decide where I want to go from here. The moment I lived was exciting, fun and motivating. Looking back, I saw my old patterns of comparing myself falling into jealousy and insecurity; I remembered fighting those patterns and getting help from my family in order to do so. And now, I look ahead and I just want to jump into creating a fashion line that would be totally Your Favorite Enemies. Exciting, no? :) And what about you? What could be the unexpected you could jump in? "Come on! It’s time to jump!" :)

I love you

-Miss Isabel

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Define your experience...

Bla Bla Bla: the live show... and Me... and Us!

It's hard to believe it's been already 2 weeks since the Bla Bla Bla was done!  I feel like it was yesterday that I was on the set of what we would refer to for years to come as the very first LIVE performance of YFE from our home to that was done by us for all of us... living a moment the way we decided to live it without any limit of time, space, topic, or way to live things...

The fact that we could be with all of you guys all at once was really special and we really felt the connection.  We had exciting stuff to talk about: the new Sound&Noises YFE TV show, the Open Your Eyes special DVD+CD project, the upcoming Canadian Music Week shows, the SFCC and the heart and vision supporting it...  It's funny how it's hard for us to talk about facts of the different things as we prefer much more to tell you guys about how we live for these moments and music to share with you, tell you the passion that wakes us up even when our body says "GO TO BED OR I SHUT YOU DOWN" tell you about the warm fire that consumes us when we think about you, about how we are blessed to be in your life and to grow with you singing and playing music that is and will transcend borders, cultures, age and ourselves... Let's say that when we plan the BLA BLA BLA we ALL know it will be AT LEAST twice the length of time we are planning! lol  An hour becomes very easily 2!  And why should we cut? It’s OUR TV's OUR time with YOU and we don't want to be restricted, do we?:)

Sitting on these white couches, we were very at ease to be with you talking about what we are planning and preparing for you, but we were also VERY excited about leaving that place to get to our instrument and play for you the new song "I Just Want You To Know"!!!!  We knew that it was for many of you a very first Live show with Your Favorite Enemies and we knew how meaningful it was for you just as it was for us.  When we were doing the sound check I was thinking "I'm so glad that technology allows us to play in front of our family from all around the world all at once!  I'm so happy we can bring everyone here in our studio/church/home/!  I'm so touched that we gathered in this place and moment to live something unique and I get to play a role in this incredible and special story..."

Your role was also obvious that day: you were a family member that was adding your love, your energy, your passion, your desire to see things change, your guts and soul... and because we all decided to be there fully that day we can share to those who weren't there an amazing recording, a video of the song you inspired and we all lived with one heart...  Some people think that what has an impact is the quality of the sound or the image or how provocative the words are or how loud the guitars are or if the singer bleeds by the end of the song or if the chick is half naked... We believe that the real impact is the spirit that is lived through the moment we crafted the lyrics, the chords and the moment we performed it with all of you with us.  THAT is why it is a song that is and will impact your day, your colleagues and friends, that will impact my thinking and way to see life...

After the performance we were almost in shock.  We returned on the set of the BLA BLA BLA and not only the band members but the whole filming crew was different, in a completely different spirit, the proof that we all lived something deep and significant.  What we shared following that was so true and touching...I was moved and I cried when Alex was talking about how our journey had been quite difficult at times but the fact that we were here now living the happiest time of our lives was all that was important. Not sure we can see me cry on the video but tears were streaming softly on my cheeks and in my mind I was thinking: "what we went through, seeded with tears and so many mistakes is today allowing us to shape the present and to touch a reality we were only dreaming with little conviction".

Now the dream is definitely there, we can touch it, feel it, shape it and share it!
The conviction has grown and the journey is amazing!

Miss Isabel