Thursday, January 26, 2012

Where Did We Lose Each Other Where can I find myself...

Where Did We Lose Each Other
Where can I find myself...
Blogging has been a part of my life for more than 4 years now. I've been through all kinds of periods, emotions and I believe my writing has evolved, mutated and enabled my growth. I kinda think though that now is time for me to push myself beyond the established borders of this written world of mine. Can I explore the depth of my being and bring whatever I may find to the surface, to you and to my own conscience? Why would I do that? This question just reveals how I live some of the fears of what I may find down there. As I try to answer, I can very well see that by first being true to myself to the core of my soul and then by exposing myself, only powerful things can happen. still it's scary...

I wish I had a much bigger faith so I wouldn't have any hesitation before jumping, but my faith is small, small enough though to assure me that once I'll dig in I'll find something that was placed there on purpose, a bigger purpose than I can imagine or try to control, placed for my destiny to be meaningful. There are not many things that crack me open. Years and years of self defense made my heart a very well guarded fortress, so well guarded that I can't even easily see what's going on there!lol Thanks to all of you and the faithful love of my family, I have torn down many walls and unlocked many doors, but I am now facing a new invitation to release more of who Miss Isabel really is.

Lately, we have been filming a video series about Where Did We Lose Each Other, videos that will be online every Monday on our Website. As this particular song has been a major turning point for us as a band and as individuals, we decided to explore more about the song, the lyrics, the reasons behind the french part, the context in which it has been created and recorded, etc. It's such an amazing way to explore this song for you and for us at the same time. For me, it's not easy to do that kind of interview. It requires you to dive into the song, to make the lyrics your own, live it all and then expose what you're living. The first few times I read the lyrics I didn't want to let them sink in my eyes they were dark, I didn't want to bear the pain I saw in them, I didn't want any of the shame that they shone a light on, I saw in them an attack on the status quo I was comfortable with. I didn't want to put words on what I try to forget and deny. So I barely scratched the surface of what this song is all about... but now it's not enough. As my band mates offer the best of their gut feeling about it, I can share just enough not to clash with them, true feelings yes, but those easy ones on the surface, those that are not so ugly to expose or those which won't create much reaction, rejection or will establish forever in the open a reality I don't want to face.

I may look like a deep person... sharing beautiful words... but I stop myself below the surface. I'm not deep. What does it mean to really expose myself, to really love you enough to rise my level of engagement? I do want to be a sister to all of you, a sister that you can count on and refer to in good times and bad times. I'm not that for you yet not because I don't love you, but because I am not yet totally open to you...why? Because I fear what's inside of me. I'm not even totally open to myself! But the surface doesn't satisfy me anymore and I can't accept my missing out on life close to you.

I believe that in my life I'm always put in a situation where I can grow and win. It's really up to me to grasp those occasions and stretch myself to reach and possess what is already mine. So I take the Where Did We Lose Each Other video series as my opportunity to crack my heart open, to expose what's in it and believe that whatever I will find will either be healed and transformed or will powerfully shine and bring us closer. Sounds more exciting than scary now...

So for the next few weeks, I'll be going deeper in my own vision and heart about the subject of the interview. Thank you for taking this journey with me.

-Miss Isabel

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Miss Isabel's diary "ardent revolutionist of the heart... I dare you to love"

Do you know one of the ways you can recognize that you truly love someone? I know I love someone when the only thought or the simple view of that person being happy is making me happy and smile, even if the source of happiness has nothing to do with me and even if that person doesn't even know I thought or saw him/her...

I could feel so much love coming our way last Sunday during the Bla Bla Bla as you guys were laughing and smiling to see us go crazy and having fun...being happy. And I could definitely also feel and witness so much love radiating from inside the Studio through the walls, through the computer screens, through the distance that was miraculously banished as we were together in a common space and time. Did you feel the love in the numerous videos that our amazing video crew crafted? Could you imagine the smile of Kanu and the design team as they spent countless hours polishing each visual detail so you would feel glad to receive something so beautiful, thoughtful and meaningful? If you had a little warmth going through your cheeks as someone sent you an invite, a personal message, it's only because that someone poured out the best of love, energy and passion in order to reach you, touch you and take care of you... And the management team, the creation team, and the band, as we are a part of this truthfully loving family. Now you get why we're rock enough to create that "Everybody Loves Jeff" t-shirt!lol

The description of the shirt is really worth the read:
In the spirit of the 60's, the "Everybody Loves Jeff" t-shirt is a perfect demonstration of what true and pure affection is all about. In a world built on individualism, self-righteousness, egotistic devotion and inconsideration…
Compassion, sympathy, altruism and empathy are needed more than ever.
As some people, like Jeff Beaulieu, opened the way, it's now time for every single one of us to make a stand and take the lead. Evil and hatred are never ashamed to show the colors of their apathetic nature. So how should we be, when it's time to embrace the quintessential essence of love... yes, we love Jeff... not only for the incredibly caring man he is, but because like him... we know the fruits that love can bare... today a t-shirt... tomorrow the whole world.

So wear your love and become an ardent revolutionist of the heart... I dare you to love!!!

Yeah... an ardent revolution involving each one of us. Ardent...Burning... As I was watching the new video-clip "Where Did We Lose Each Other", I was struck by one particular image. The whole video can touch you and I in so many ways and can take different meaning for each of us, but today when I look at how the light is omnipresent, so strong, overpowering the individuals, taking the whole place...the light and the sound... Even if the lyrics are quite deep and express a journey of confusion, loss, pain, searching for hope and redemption, transition and life... the light is always there... the sound never gives up... And then there is THIS SCENE, about 2 seconds long, that shows the whole band in the middle of our studio/church, shining like a furious flame piercing the surrounding darkness... When you know what we had to go through to stick together, take each of our places in that circle, to learn to feed our own fire and then fully embrace the vision of bringing the best of our light, energy and warmheartedness together, as one, united to shine even more and inspire more people to create their own bonfire.

To be united is very powerful. Together we can overcome anything that comes our way on a personal level. We have to learn to allow ourselves to shine... we might be shy or feel ashamed of what this light will reveal... and then on top of this another will shine on us and reveal even more?:P? My gosh!.. well... I understand the feeling. But, please, believe me or believe what you see, the more I let myself shine and the more I get close to people who are burning with passion, the more my heart is hot, the less I fear my own differences, the more I value the strength of others as they enlighten areas of my life that I'm weak in and they strengthen me! You might feel you're not a big flame... maybe you feel more like the tiniest coal... Let me remind you of something Alex said (excerpts from the"Love Is a Promise - Reissue" live chat )

"I guess I will always be fragile... maybe... but somehow, I'm not afraid anymore... in some standards, I'm a failure... and I rather be a hot coal than a frozen piece of gold... and that's alright for me... that's perfect for me..."-Alex Foster.

I'm proud of you all my "coal-mates"! Let's be hot together and fire up everything around us!

Miss Isabel

Download your song, video and so cool wallpapers NOW! it's free:)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

"You are there with us living the moment... Let's create the magic!"

 My dear family HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Can you believe how lucky we are to take these steps all together as we move from one year to another? Really I see it as a walk we all are taking together on this journey we call life. Day after day I decide to look ahead envisioning where I desire to go in my life, my goals, the things I want to see change, evolve, disappear, grow... Keeping my eyes up allows me to dream and to have faith. Sometimes, especially when we are in a transition time, we look back at what we did, what we were, what impact it has had on us today. That allows us to measure our actions and decisions. And then, there's the present, now, how I walk now, my actions today, my thoughts, my feelings, what I do with my talents, my time, and my life. My friends, I want to thank you, because if it wasn't for being able to look around and see you, walking all around me, I would be the most unhappy, selfish and lost person on this life journey.

We often say "live the moment" and I know that for some of us it might sound so good but doesn't really mean anything in our every day life. The new year celebration was happening all around the world, fireworks, parades, feasts... but for so many of us just couldn't smile or laugh or have fun, dark feelings creeping inside, loneliness and hopelessness taking over the whole show... I know... I've been rejected by my own blood family. I felt like an orphan for so many years. I had little hope of being loved and feeling the security of a home. If my own left me, how can anyone love me, how could I deserve love... I have made a long journey since then! Years and years of decisions, many good ones, so many bad ones, but since the day I made that one decision to try to belong, to at least try to believe in the love of my friends, to try little by little to open up and to love in return, to try something different rather than putting up those same old self-defense walls in front of each little scary thing, since that day I can say I am alive.

During these past weeks, at the Your Favorite Enemies HQ, we took some time to really spend time together, not working on our zillion projects, just being friends... We went shopping, we watched movies, we cooked together, we did have so much fun and laughed until our abs were burning. Some of us created amazing events for the only purpose of living something joyful, encouraging and positive all together. We CREATED these occasions and it was up to each of us to LIVE that moment fully, to laugh without filter, to cry if we felt like it, to be affectionate with anyone we wanted to bless, to encourage one another, to share a joke or a story or just to listen and learn about one another with the conscious purpose to take part in the family, to be an important part of this family.

You saw one of the event we created just for fun: the ARM WRESTLING GALA!lol What a blast! lol That day, I believe it was Alex who sent all of us an email saying "Tonight you're an arm wrestler. Choose a song, choose a costume and be ready for the Gala at 10PM". We were all so excited!lol Yes it is weird, we're all adults and we do play like kids! I love it. It was magic... Just like the "Natto Party" we had also out of the blue... unexpected... I mean they had to take us by surprise to expect us to eat that very traditional super stinky, sticky, ugly, not so tasty fermented bean guck that is suppose to be good for your skin and brain but taste like... humm... I'll stay polite:) We pretty much all HATED it but we all ate it just because it was a family fun time and a challenge to be all together (in good times like in bad times I guess!Lol) All together... no competition...just seeding love in one another. Cultivating joy. I don't think it's natural for any of us, but we are taking that decision all together "WE WANT TO BE ALIVE, TO BE HAPPY, TO NEVER AGAIN FEEL LIKE ORPHANS".

Then you might say "Good for you but why put it on the internet? You can sell your music, but why do videos of your crazy games, why do live chats, blogs, etc?" The reason is simple and beautiful, we want to live that life journey with you, we want you to take part in it, to also laugh at what makes us laugh, that you also feel loved and cared for, that you can see how dreams are possible and get from us some courage just as we get courage from your stories, your sharing... That's why the Bla Bla Bla is so brilliant! We are LIVE together, we can exchange, you can take part in a moment with us!!! I always make sure I'm well prepared for the Bla Bla Bla, not only because I should look good and not make stupid mistakes... I get prepared because it's my rendez-vous with you:) I prepare my heart to be loving and caring... my soul to be open and sensitive for you. Each Bla Bla Bla is different, and this year more than ever we want to surprise you and spoil you! And again this year you can take part in this family as you are an important part of it... so BE there and laugh, and cry, and say jokes and listen... you are THERE with us and you will LIVE the moment and CREATE with us the magic.

Miss Isabel
p.s. can you guess if I won my arm wrestling fight?;)