Thursday, March 31, 2011

The quietest whisper of hope can be enough

The HOPE Project 

Someone asked me on Facebook a very interesting question: " How we can create a family for our band?".
Many thoughts came through my mind... from "that's great that people see and can feel how we do live everything as a family not only among the musicians but with all the music lovers that follow Your Favorite Enemies" to "How in the world am I supposed to explain that?  There's no obvious instruction manual for building a family from a music group!" to "Wow... it is humbling and an honor to be inspiring someone to want to build his own family."
I have to admit that sometimes I like to start this diary by saying "my brothers and sisters", but I hesitate... I think about what someone reading my words for the first time might think... WE all know how it's not common to have such relationships that we allow ourselves to be linked closely to each other, to share deeply, to be open, to desire to expand our world and touch as many people as possible, staying true to ourselves and accepting others as they are with their freaky personalities and so different ways to see life... But hey! that's what we do and that's why we can say proudly we ARE a family and if someone reads our words for the first time, when they see us hugging and being close even, when they try to understand what Your Favorite Enemies is all about, well... they soon realize how amazing it is to call someone a brother and a sister, being connected through the heart and soul, through a decision to take part in each other’s lives.
This past week we launched a very important and precious to heart project called HOPE.  It wasn't enough for us to see some people draw attention to "products" to send "profits" to Japan... for sure any initiative can make a difference but we wanted to make sure our initiative to support our people in Japan will be for THEM first and them ONLY.  So we came up with an amazing project to print and sign postcards and distribute them in schools for the kids to write or draw a message of hope...   We extended it for anyone to participate, any age, anywhere around the world, to give our best, the best of what we have on our hearts, to pour it out in words on these postcards.  The Red Cross is a great way to send money that will help people to rebuild their house, their cities... but what can help them rebuild their life, their dreams, their confidence, their smile?  Our words can! 
Our family in Japan, my brothers and sisters, your brothers and sisters, they need us, they need to know they're not alone... they need to know that everything in our hands can disappear but the true love and hope that we grow in our hearts cannot be taken away from us... they need to hear our voice rising higher than the sound of waves and earthquakes... 
"The quietest whisper of hope can be enough of a sound to make life bloom out of despair" -Alex Foster
We are a family and we stand together. That is not only will there be thousands of postcards written by thousands of people but we will go in Japan to deliver them in person.  Nothing less... Most people would flee Japan right now... We booked our flights last week to make sure we would be with our Japanese family and to bring with us in May the powerful words you will write with an ink that flows directly out of your heart.  We will be your hands and now is the time for you to raise your voice:
-Miss Isabel
p.s. if you desire to have an even bigger impact, share that link with as many people as possible, encouraging them to join their voices to ours... Facebook, Myspace, Mixi, VKontaK, Blogger, Radio Stations, TV Hosts, your school teacher... it's the best time to take that one step further.  I'm already waiting with a smile to know how you'll bring HOPE around you for Japan.

1 comment:

  1. Hi dearest Isabel and all YFE!

    I think it's pretty cool too that someone from the "outside looking in" would ask you how to create a family for their you say, what has happened and is happening within the group drawn to YFE isn't "common" - it's "magic", it's a miracle...and it flows first from your decision to reach out and "connect" to people on a mentally and spiritually intimate level - then to encourage us to do the same within this "miracle" community and within our own spheres of influence - and then to remain faithful to that original decision in spite of EVERY seemingly insurmountable obstacle that has come your way - one day, one song, one message at a time... As you know, I have been blessed to travel on this journey with you since early 2007 and every step you have taken has resonated deeply in my heart, changing me as much as I have allowed (which has been a LOT)! The Hope project is a vibrant flower blooming in the garden of family/community that has been nurtured by your love and sacrifice and passion for so many years - as Jeff says, the real possibilities begin at "impossible" - I can't wait to see where you will take the ever growing family next!

    THANK YOU and Endless love to all!!!!! mom eliz
