Do you know one of the ways you can recognize that you truly love someone? I know I love someone when the only thought or the simple view of that person being happy is making me happy and smile, even if the source of happiness has nothing to do with me and even if that person doesn't even know I thought or saw him/her...
I could feel so much love coming our way last Sunday during the Bla Bla Bla as you guys were laughing and smiling to see us go crazy and having fun...being happy. And I could definitely also feel and witness so much love radiating from inside the Studio through the walls, through the computer screens, through the distance that was miraculously banished as we were together in a common space and time. Did you feel the love in the numerous videos that our amazing video crew crafted? Could you imagine the smile of Kanu and the design team as they spent countless hours polishing each visual detail so you would feel glad to receive something so beautiful, thoughtful and meaningful? If you had a little warmth going through your cheeks as someone sent you an invite, a personal message, it's only because that someone poured out the best of love, energy and passion in order to reach you, touch you and take care of you... And the management team, the creation team, and the band, as we are a part of this truthfully loving family. Now you get why we're rock enough to create that "Everybody Loves Jeff" t-shirt!lol |
The description of the shirt is really worth the read:
In the spirit of the 60's, the "Everybody Loves Jeff" t-shirt is a perfect demonstration of what true and pure affection is all about. In a world built on individualism, self-righteousness, egotistic devotion and inconsideration…
Compassion, sympathy, altruism and empathy are needed more than ever.
As some people, like Jeff Beaulieu, opened the way, it's now time for every single one of us to make a stand and take the lead. Evil and hatred are never ashamed to show the colors of their apathetic nature. So how should we be, when it's time to embrace the quintessential essence of love... yes, we love Jeff... not only for the incredibly caring man he is, but because like him... we know the fruits that love can bare... today a t-shirt... tomorrow the whole world.
So wear your love and become an ardent revolutionist of the heart... I dare you to love!!!
Yeah... an ardent revolution involving each one of us. Ardent...Burning... As I was watching the new video-clip "Where Did We Lose Each Other", I was struck by one particular image. The whole video can touch you and I in so many ways and can take different meaning for each of us, but today when I look at how the light is omnipresent, so strong, overpowering the individuals, taking the whole place...the light and the sound... Even if the lyrics are quite deep and express a journey of confusion, loss, pain, searching for hope and redemption, transition and life... the light is always there... the sound never gives up... And then there is THIS SCENE, about 2 seconds long, that shows the whole band in the middle of our studio/church, shining like a furious flame piercing the surrounding darkness... When you know what we had to go through to stick together, take each of our places in that circle, to learn to feed our own fire and then fully embrace the vision of bringing the best of our light, energy and warmheartedness together, as one, united to shine even more and inspire more people to create their own bonfire.
To be united is very powerful. Together we can overcome anything that comes our way on a personal level. We have to learn to allow ourselves to shine... we might be shy or feel ashamed of what this light will reveal... and then on top of this another will shine on us and reveal even more?:P? My gosh!.. well... I understand the feeling. But, please, believe me or believe what you see, the more I let myself shine and the more I get close to people who are burning with passion, the more my heart is hot, the less I fear my own differences, the more I value the strength of others as they enlighten areas of my life that I'm weak in and they strengthen me! You might feel you're not a big flame... maybe you feel more like the tiniest coal... Let me remind you of something Alex said (excerpts from the"Love Is a Promise - Reissue" live chat )
"I guess I will always be fragile... maybe... but somehow, I'm not afraid anymore... in some standards, I'm a failure... and I rather be a hot coal than a frozen piece of gold... and that's alright for me... that's perfect for me..."-Alex Foster.
I'm proud of you all my "coal-mates"! Let's be hot together and fire up everything around us!
Miss Isabel
Download your song, video and so cool wallpapers NOW! it's free:)
hi dear coal-mates Isabel and YFE!
ReplyDeleteI can't afford that wonderful shirt at the moment due to medical expenses and lost time at work, but I DEFINITELY embrace the concept of ardent revolutionist of the heart - daring to love!! If there is one area of my life that has exploded in light through my interactions in the YFE family, it is my willingness and courage to love and a continually increasing depth in revelation and understanding of what that means. I'm learning more and more to embrace ALL sides of the people in my life, myself included - acknowledging the darkness and light in all of us, not rejecting anyone or anything, but loving through the pain and allowing the Light within us all to come together - just as you say dear Isa - as a bed of passionate hot coals, nurturing each other with our combined Light and allowing the Fire to burn away the dross within us. Becoming more and more HOT coals rather than cold impure metals.. Relationships with other humans are never fully "safe spaces", for we are only human, but our innate union with Something greater than ourselves makes the miracle of healing, transforming relationships possible - unity of hearts and minds and souls that can truly Illuminate the world. As always, thank you creating this community of hope and for continually seeding the hearts within and the hearts yet to be drawn here with the Life inside you = Life creating Life - truly...
Much love and oceans of prayers always!!! mom e