You guys touched me. Seeing all your comments flowing our way like true rivers gushing out of your hearts... I knew it wasn't any easier for you than for me and each of your words had to pass by rocks and dams before they could freely float and irrigate each and everyone who read them, filling us with hope, a sense of community and opening our eyes to more than ourselves.
I read all your comments and your words are now a part of what I meditate. When Danielle said " You were born to do that and to be where you are now!! " I remember that in everything I do I can cultivate a deep sense that my life has a purpose and I do have everything in me to accomplish all I wish to in my life. I said to Ben this past weekend that when I was in school I never really had to work hard to have good marks, and in most parts of my life I had just enough talent or I was just quick enough to make my way without really pushing my limits... well now that I see more clearly what I want I definitely need to work harder than ever to develop my talents, learn team work and just grow as a person.
"I know what I have to do today to stay in the fight, and accomplish what I know I need to accomplish today to stay in the race that is set before me, to strive after the hoped prize" -Sally
To hear Franca and Mily declare "I start to live again" and "I'm on my way to make (my dream) it real" is such a breath of life! It's also an invitation for Yukiko who wants to open herself to the world instead of making "an obstinate, beautiful shield of a fragile fantasy." Franca said: "Even gold locked up in my world I found the pain, loneliness, and then what to do?" Well sisters, I can say you've already overcame many shields and golden walls as you shared with us!! This time is a real :WOW... FANTASTIC!;)
Sebastien would love to have more hours in a day to do all that he wants and Mune believes that all good things come with time... time is so precious you are both right!!! But we have so little control over time... how can we make the best out of it? Do we need a "Time out!"?
"I have no regrets with the things I accomplish on a daily basis. Like you, I live in the NOW. Would I trade every conversation or task I accomplish on a daily basis for another? Sometimes. But, this is the life I choose. It's the life I live. It is all that I can accomplish in the moment." - Howard
In our last band meeting we were discussing about the upcoming DVD of the Shanghai Show that you'll be able to get after the next "BlaBlaBla: The Live Show" (look into the Facebook event for all the details!! ). Such an AMAZING project, I can't wait for you guys to get your hands on it!!! For some reason when I think of that Shanghai show, time seemed in fact suspended, as if it really didn't matter anymore, as if nothing would be too fast or too slow but just perfectly timed to allow many thousands of people to simultaneously declare "we're alive, we're important and we're determine to grasp everything that is for us in this life". It's a little bit like my sister Sandra emailed me earlier this week: "I want to take a step, not waiting for circumstances to change to be perfect... I want to charge forward knowing that I can have success with what I have in my hands whatever the winds against me... whatever I was in the past or what I should have been, what I should have done... NOW I really desire to be in motion you see?!" Yes I see!... the time is NOW!!!
We're all moving as one, united by a passionate fire for life... Our lives are all different and it's beautiful... Our lives are all unique and it's our treasure... Our lives are all meaningful and that's why we won't lose one minute and we're in motion in what we know... and we are hopeful in what we don't know:)
Miss Isabel
p.s. note on your calendar October 16th for the Bla Bla Bla... I want to see you there with us!!!
Yeah its letting me post a comment this time!!! :)
ReplyDeleteWell my beautiful and articulate Miss Isabel, what can I say, your words have the ability to take me on an inner journey to the far reaches of my inner thoughts and emotions. Through your own self reflection I am able without reservation to look within my own self and try to reach, expose, hold onto and let go of all that I hide deep within my walls of safety, walls which allow me to never truly be vulnerable, raw and exposed. I am no longer afraid, you showed me that and for that I will always be grateful. Simply put, THANK YOU!! Love you always!! xxoo Dina
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ReplyDeleteDairy time!!!
ReplyDeleteAfter so many years of reading diaries I never get tired of it :) I feel like it is a communion for us to reunite and share. It is for me a time to refresh. To stop in my busy or not so busy right now lol life to reflect and remind myself what I want and question whether I am doing what I need in order to get to my dreams. Howards comment really touched me. I live on a daily basis with the word regret in the back of my mind. Not for things I do now but for things that have happened in the past. I live hand in hand with the words "what if" and honestly it has never gotten me far except being causious or afraid to make the same mistake again. This fear and this "being hard on myself" attitude doesn't allow me to be as free as I would like to be or in anyway allows me to be at my full potential. It has been very difficult for me to let go... maybe because I haven't forgiven myself or believe I should be... who knows but I know what I need to work on. Today is a new day... can't waste it now so off I go towards this goal. I can do it! I know so :)
Always love reading your blogs isabel! im tocuhed always by your blogs! i may not have alot to write. but always i like take time let u know how amazon your blogs are! to encorage you!! Love you lots sis!
ReplyDeleteso beautiful....i had a little time this evening after our family day celebrating my dad's 82nd birthday in the mountains to come by here and soak in this sweet communion of souls..."time" so many have said here - is the most precious treasure we have - determining how to "spend it" truly is the essence of our lives. You mentioned possibly needing a "time out" dear Isa, and that is a thought that needs pursing in this hectic world we live in = what IS a time out?? Some might define it as a time away from "work", doing something entertaining and possibly mindless = but what is "work"? and what is "play" or "rest"? and is one more valuable than the other in terms of eternal moments?? As a recovering "work-aholic" - someone who was once compulsively and irresistibly driven to attempt to spend every moment in something "useful and productive", i'm realizing more and more that nurturing our own spirits (growing as a person as you say!) and the relationships in our lives is perhaps the only "work" we will do that will survive into the mystery awaiting us beyond death's door. And how do we do that??? I"m still discovering the answer to that one and will be for the rest of my days, i'm sure! Obviously it is important that we develop the gifts and talents we have been given and use them to somehow make this world a better place - fulfilling the individual purposes sown deep within us. But accomplishment without intimate relationship with Something greater than ourselves and those around us drains our spirits and leaves us no more than empty shells.. Where is the balance and how do we live it? You dear Isa, and this entire YFE family are continuing to guide my way in this journey of discovery and hope for something REAL in this world - I must be honest - i have never focused on the relationships in my life, even within my immediate family, the way i have begun to do since you became a part of my life..and every relationship I have has been impacted by the change. This awakening has brought pain as well as deep joy - to really love takes great courage - but the fire you have exposed me to has caressed and slapped me AWAKE and I truly believe that today, I am ready to embrace more and more fully the next step of my journey - UP!! Walk on!! :) never alone...
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU and love you always!!! mom e
Hello my beautiful sister i have been reading your blogs since the myspace days i didn't know you back then i didn't have the privilege of meeting you yet and i didn't know what you looked like it didn't matter to me i knew from the beginning you were beautiful from the inside out and i also knew you loved what you did whether it was playing piano the keyboards or singing with your family you are always there for everyone and you always have something positive to say no matter what is going on in your own life i know no matter what you do in life you will do it with grace beauty and love i can not begin to tell you how much you have changed my life or how reading your blogs always make me laugh or cry depending on the topic of your blog and i hope that even though your life is getting even busier that you will continue to write your blogs love always Mune