Thursday, June 9, 2011

Coming back from more than a dream...

The YFE China-Japan tour

My dear family,

Even though I got to write a bit every day while on tour about what we were living and witnessing in my little notebook, I feel like writing to you is different and I missed it... sharing with you every week encourages me to take a look within myself and you give me the grace to be a witness and a supporter of what could bloom from that personal journey. I don't always understand how that connection we have empowers me and how your life can also be inspired by these simple typed words of mine, but I am thankful it is all possible and happening. When I meet you and you tell me that this blog is a part of your life, I'm always so moved and I think to myself "This is so much more powerful than me or anything I write... this is how you, my friends, are alive and are changing your own life with determination and using everything you can find...not because what I write is so good but because your will is strong and you decide to give your all to live more and more free".

During the tour, I've witnessed a lot of power. The music was releasing such a freedom and a boldness that carried crowds all over China and Japan, including all the guys in the band and crew. I saw the real demonstration of what it is to let go and trust... Alex letting himself fall backwards from the second floor balcony into an ocean of vivid hands... People who some nights were laying on stage eyes closed, hearts pumping, singing melodies... their own melodies born of their blooming spirits and exhilarating souls... We could feel the power, we could try to identify it, we were amazed how it could take different forms every single night, we were thankful we could experience it...letting it flow through us, teaching us, transforming us...

I wish I could say that while on tour everything in me was beautiful and worth being shown in the light of the stage, but just like all of us, even if we are 100000 miles away from home, we still carry our ugliness and beauty. So, just like for all of us, the power of music and its movement among us was an open invitation to believe we have the power to live our dream. I've embraced my dream during that tour... and now that the tour is over, I still believe there is more for me and that the invitation is only going to bring me and all of us into another chapter of this wonderful dream we decided to nurture. When we live our dream as a family an incredible thing can happen: it becomes bigger and more extraordinary than anything you could have imagined... it also becomes an incredible way to grow and learn from each other.

In China, I learned a lot about living the moment. I used to think that the best way to live the moment is if you just don't care about tomorrow; so might as well live to the fullest now... tomorrow might never come... But the experiences we had and the way everyone was living it helped me to see things differently. Tomorrow will come and it's out of trust that we can live the moment without fear or restrictions, on the contrary; to live to the maximum BECAUSE it will have an impact on the tomorrow we desire! Everything has a consequence; each action has an impact, on us, on others... We can choose to take that fact with the fear of messing up or with the honor and gladness to have the power to change our own life and lives around us as well, in a beautiful and positive way.

In Japan, we visited the volunteers of the shelter in the devastated city of Minami for the HOPE project. It was very intense emotionally as we talked with them and heard their stories but mainly when we heard and saw their courage and their determination to protect life, dignity and hope. Ordinary people, young and old, women and men, they were all joining whatever energy, knowledge, resources and heart they possessed to honor the lost ones but mainly to take care of the living. They had all the reasons to be depressed and weary, but they were making the decision to feed something other than these reasons, to live something else beyond this sadness, to protect life, dignity and hope. I learned from these people... and I thought I was one who would give them something... witnessing their courage gave me so much! They asked us to thank you for the HOPE project, for your words, for your prayers, for believing like they do that Japan will rise up from the rubble.

As I am still processing all that happened, I'm sure I will keep on discovering treasures of truth and how what we lived all together is opening doors and breathing life... a life that will carry us so much further... carry us in wonderful lands we never imagined existed... Our family is on a journey... all the Your Favorite Enemies family is involved... In your bedroom... and like Alex would say, that journey starts with a simple dream... a little idea...

Have another look at the stunning images of the amazing journey in China and Japan... and don't miss reading the words of Alex, Jeff, Stephanie and myself describing what we witnessed and lived there! You will not only feel what happened but I truly believe you can also get a lot from them!

I love you sweet dreamers... I love you ideas crafters...

-Miss Isabel


  1. I really love the quote "Tomorrow will come and it's out of trust that we can live the moment without fear or restrictions, on the contrary; to live to the maximum BECAUSE it will have an impact on the tomorrow we desire!" It is so much more positive and uplifting than the usual "live for today because tomorrow will never come" which focuses more on our fear of loss and sounds more like an invitation to be reckless than anything else. So very well put my dear. =) I'm glad to have you back posting your weekly blogs. I love you and will talk to you soon <3

  2. the diary is back!!!!!!! yea!!!!!!!! And as you say so wisely, "everything has a consequence, each action has an impact, on us, on others.." Your choice to be faithful to write this diary each week has had a HUGE impact on me - i always find my heart opening to expose new areas that need acknowledgment and cleansing and healing, and I always feel my spirit lifted - a boost of wind beneath my wings - as i absorb your words and the Spirit with which you wrote them! This week I was listening to an inspirational talk and the person (John Collins) said this - "it is our continual choice to sit on people's spirits or to blow on the flame of their soul". You choose "blowing" and I am forever thankful!! There was much "blowing" in China and Japan - the flames of your own spirits raising to brilliant new heights even as you sought to share your own spark with those you touched. And just as you say so beautifully, we in this family throughout the world are part of this "blowing" as well - all together, "discovering treasures of truth and opening door and breathing life"!!! Moving together into those "wonderful lands we never imagined existed!" - joined in heart and spirit and mind with each other! WOOT and AMEN!!!! and once again, THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS!!!!

    I love you and believe in you always!!! mom e

  3. I'm telling you... what I saw in China, the youth that is so alive and reaching out with a peaceful violence to their a destiny they only dreamed of... what I saw in Japan, a people that can't accept to bow down in front of adversity...

    I saw them and loved them... and from that love I grew and could learn from them.

    It's really up to us to grow and change for more happiness and freedom, but I really think it has to be through love...

    Now... is love a natural or easy?
    Does it come to us just like that?
    Falling in this reality... is love something that happens by accident?

  4. Love is a natural thing but it's not easy. People fall in love all the time when they least expect it.. it's not something that is planned. And when they do find this love they often have trouble handling the feelings and do crazy irrational things, especially if it is unrequited. It is also one of those things where often people think they are in love but it's just infatuation disguising itself as love. But I think the love you are talking about is a much different kind.. one that comes out of amaazement, being proud of them for overcoming their situations and not letting circumstances stop them from living. I can't say if it's a true love.. that I cannot know as I am not in your shoes but I think if it is love, it's a very pure kind... and it is possible to come up when you are not expecting it and it can be very overwhelming... which is why I say it's natural but not easy. I this made sense..
